This year the conference is from January 30th (a Wednesday) to February 2nd (a Saturday). Now, it won't be sunny, but it's New York! View the line-up here. Oates, Karr, and Hempel . . .
And Dagoberto Gilb! Oh man, good times. Maybe we could even sweet talk our way into getting free passes (Hello, Ms. Rebeckah Love).
Who's in? We could split costs of the hotel . . . .
Anyway, I saw this picture of Foer on the AWP site.
I'll be there manning the ASF booth for a time.
I'm as in--as soon as I know my teaching schedule and budget.
Mark & I are going. It will be my first trip to NY. Will be great to see everyone there!
I think Nick's planning on going. I might go and see some friends while I'm out there. It would be totally boss to get in free, though. Last year I volunteered at the sign-in desk, and I think the connection to TX State was tenuous if it was there at all. Could be as easy as Tom saying "yes, I know those people."
sorry. broke as a joke.
but i'll be there in spirit.
I'm sort of planning a trip to NY during my xmas break. And my panel proposal for AWP got denied, so I'd have to pay to get in to that sort of thing. A hotel lobby, atrium, what have you. I say we all go for xmas instead. It's NYC, people. If I'm going there I can't justify hanging out in a lobby with strangers, unless I'm getting some serious ass afterwards.
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