I can't get anything done today even though Super Tuesday results won't be in for a while. I'm dying to know what's happening in NY and California. Tell us something, anything.
Here's my favorite quote today:
The first voter to emerge from one New York City polling station said he had voted for Obama.
"For so many reasons. I think Hillary has so much baggage, I want a black president whose middle name is Hussein and he seems like a great guy," said Stuart Bernstein, 47, a literary agent.
I early-voted yesterday with all the senior citizens. Today, we were supposed to be too busy running from tornadoes to stand in voting lines.
I feel like a ghost. I've got the flu and can't seem to break my fever or stay up past seven. I am a mardi gras / supertuesday failure. And now I'm going to get all nostalgic on you and remind you that we were eating beans and smoking on my front porch this time last year.
those beans were good. with the sausage and the onions. the baby in the king cake was a little scary, but i think that's only because wagner found it and made it dance provocatively.
but i am glad that this year, there is hope for a new world order, and that hope is the hillary/obama democratic ticket.
Abby, I'm sorry you're flu-ish. I thought of you last night when I was looking up recipes for king cake and saw how difficult it was (yeast?) and wished I could just roll down to San Marcos circa last year and have some good food.
I had that flu, and it sucks. Try not to go to work while you still have a fever because you might yell at your superior. Then cry. For example.
Super Tuesday in Cali !!
We are the last to close, last to post. And Alaska, don't forget about them.
in case you texans have been feeling left out, check out this article on the importance we could play this year.
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