Scott Mitte, president of the board of the philanthropic Roy F. and Joann Cole Mitte Foundation, was charged Monday with cocaine possession after sheriff’s officials found about an ounce of the drug in his car, Travis County sheriff’s spokesman Roger Wade said.
According to an arrest affidavit, Mitte, whose full name is Michael Scott Mitte, was working with the sheriff’s office as a cooperating individual (also known as a criminal informant) to help officials gain access to an illegal drug supplier.
When he showed up for the operation at about 11:30 a.m. at the sheriff’s department headquarters on Airport Boulevard, officials searched his two-door 2008 Silver Porsche and found about an ounce of cocaine inside a pack of Marlboro 100’s ultra lights cigarettes.
Sheriff’s officials routinely search the vehicles of civilians aiding in such operations.
When the cocaine was found, Mitte said to the investigator, “I’m sorry, I (messed) up.”
Wade said Mitte, 51, admitted that the cocaine was his and was immediately arrested. He was released from jail Monday after posting bail of $20,000, Wade said.
Mitte was unable to be reached for comment this morning and his lawyer did not return calls seeking comment. The executive director of the Mitte Foundation, Cheryl Nolting, said the foundation also had no comment on the incident.
According to the Mitte Foundation Web site, Mitte is a native Texan who graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos, where he earned a bachelor of arts degree in history in 1991. He is the senior vice president of the Mitte Foundation, and he manages its six-member board.
I wanna hang out with this guy. Well, except for the "and then I'm going to tell the cops other peoples' business" part.
Does this jeopardize funding for the Mitte Chair?
I bet KAP was a huge cokehead, too.
I hope so.
I would love to know that drug dealing, at least in part, financially supported bringing hot shots to TSU. I think we may be the cool kids now. Look out ______________, the bobcats are back in town.
blowcat blowcat!
Foundation Runs out of Money Cancels Scholarships
Reports "The Chronicle of Higher Education" in a 3 06 08 article as mentioned in the newsletter. "Scott Mitte, who is the founding couple's son reportedly spent money extravagently as president of the fund" Cheryl Nolting, executive director of the Mitte Foundation had no comment as per How much money that was earmarked for scholarship funds(now canceled with exception of TSU) were used by Mitte for cocaine and lap dances? An independent audit should be conducted detailing the financial status of the foundation.
Perhaps TSU will rename a criminal justice building in honor of its distinguished alumni
"Michael Scott Mitte Criminal Justice Complex"
plain and simple case of throwdown cocaine in lieu of the big snitch
How 'bout a Mitte Chair of lap dancing as he was busted at a topless joint during bust #1
This guy is hot.
Texas State severs ties with Mitte Foundation on 4 15 08
Denise says see-ya to the Mittes
This is the email TSU President sent to faculty/staff on 4 15 08.
Press release from TSU & Mitte Foundation have not been released.
Mitte Foundation website is "currently under construction as of 4 16 08
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