View from a road between Christ in the Desert Monastery and O'Keefe's Ghost Ranch.
View from inside the church at the monastery.
From the Rio Grande Gorge bridge, near Taos (there's a scene from Natural Born Killers that was filmed here).
DH Lawrence memorial.
View from the Lawrence ranch.
Road to nowhere.
Things you find when lost that don't make you feel any better.
I can picture you there! I love the porch of skulls. I love the mountains.
I'm going to a minor league baseball game tonight.
these are so great. it seems like choice surroundings for doing peyote. not that you neccessarily should. unless you want to.
i want to be out in nature, doing nature things
I know that scene! It's where they get married and their blood turns into intertwining snakes.
Also, that second picture should be entered into the contest called "reasons to believe in the god of your choice."
Thanks for the pictures. Miss ya.
this post and a recent conversation with Jack have made me long for more pictures of everyone. More picture posts, I say.
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