Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to Cali

So here I am. BACK HOME. James and I have made the big move to Monterey Bay from Austin. I am teaching at California State University - Monterey Bay and he's at Evan-Moor, working as a senior editor. I always meant to post about this very fast move (two and half weeks ago we decided to do it), but time has been, well, fleeting. We are both tired from the last month of job hirings, the packing of bins, and the driving across the country. Now, right now I mean, I am sitting in my empty house, looking at my air bed, digesting the not-so-good Mexican food (oh Texas!). When does the moving truck arrive, you ask? Not until next Monday. It feels very very very weird to be home. But Wolfe tells me this is going to fade soon, and I'm sure it will, but damn. California. It's 76 degrees here. I ran on the beach yesterday. I wrote outside. Things I always do in Cali. How surreal. That being said, the minute I see my old lover, the Pacific, it always feels right.But it would appear, Texas has somehow inched its way into my soul. SHH, don't tell James. I'll never here the end of it.

I have 65 students. 3 sections. They asked me why I moved back to California from Texas, and before I could answer, some kid in the front went, "duh, it's CALIFORNIA." Made me laugh, cocky little fuckers.

Here's to you, friends.
You make my heart hurt.


cdee said...

It is so good to hear from you. I thought about you so much this past week, because I knew you had to be in the middle of moving. So far, any time someone has stopped appearing on the blog, they've either been moving or getting married--in my case, both. It's kind of been fun trying to guess what is keeping people busy.

Well Sarah, sounds like you've got it squared away and a nice amount of students. I'm feeling strange and embarrassed about how ridiculously overcrowded ASU classrooms are this semester, especially when I hear about the other universities. I've got 107 students total in 4 sections. I suppose I wouldn't mind having this many students if I got paid the extra dough for letting them load my comp classes past capacity, but I don't. I hope it goes well during the time you don't have your stuff, and I miss you.

I miss you all. Shit, I'm getting that weepy, nostalgic feeling that makes me want to write overly sentimental responses, ones that would make you guys make fun of me.

Coming soon: wedding photos and love

rebecca said...

Sorry i missed the goodnight beer, but you left so fast! I'll be curious to hear how being HOME feels after you get your stuff, etc., and settle in, because I'd always expected to go THERE after five years away from Washington State, three away from the west coast. The coast, the smell of saltwater.
Good luck with those students! I'm starting a new routine of hitting Whole Foods in the mornings to write from 6-7 before hopping on Mopac to go estimate flooring. I like my job. It's weird. But I don't know how long that will last (I think Jack predicted 6 months).
Happy California.

jack said...

did I say 6 months? what an asshole thing to say. i'm sorry about that. i'm really glad you're liking your job, rebecca, and hope there will be no karmic repercussions for being a jerk to you. like, trying to escape a knife-wielding freshman after she gets her final paper back.

sarah, i'm sorry too that i missed that last beer. i'm glad i got to see you over queso, though, before that. that was good queso. and good company.

wabby said...

I'm missing you. I am missing all of us.