Sunday, March 23, 2008

Animated Poetry

I just found this animated film of the Billy Collins poem "The Country," and I think it might be good for the classroom.

There are a few more animated poems of his on youtube, as well.

I'm teaching a unit on visual art and story, so if you have any suggestions or ideas, pass them on.


wabby said...

this is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

molfe said...

Here is a freaky Gogol story about art:

and a summary:

jack said...

Thanks for the link. I like Gogol.

wabby said...

you might read about this guy Jess.

beards said...

I just read about these classics in Newsweek. Not exactly what you're looking for, but....

cdee said...

A teaching first:
Today, approx. a half hour into one of my lectures, a man beat on my door hard enough to shake the pane. He stepped in, said he was sorry to interrupt my class, and introduced himself as a member of the local police department, saying he needed one of my students. The student stepped out, then came back in 5 minutes. He wasn't arrested.

The man wasn't in uniform; he was in a suit. He didn't show me a badge, a warrant? Does that matter? I just felt protective of the student and feel like his civil liberties were compromised.