Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Post Program Vices

I've been playing this vocabulary game called free rice. I read about it in the NYtimes. It is a vocabulary game, but when you answer correctly they donate rice to people who need it.

Any new guilty pleasures?


Amelia said...


My god, it's full of stars...

bearden said...

that free rice is super cool. thanks for the link.

vices? well I watch a ton of movies these days. this week i saw IN BRUGES in the theater and watched THE THIRD MAN on dvd.

i look forward to watching the ncaa bball tourney.

molfe said...

I've been starving in gtown, so thanks for the free rice!

I'm afraid my vices are mostly the same, although I'm taking more long walks and have rediscovered cleaning as a cathartic and necessary practice. I've also been fairly consistent in ridding my life of ten objects/possessions every week.

I can't quit reading political blogs.

rebecca said...

My upcoming 20th high school reunion website:
Check it out if you're looking for characters for that book of yours set in small town USA. Quite a cross section!

rebecca said...
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rebecca said...
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rebecca said...

Is not knowing how to link on blogger considered a vice?

cdee said...

This is so funny. Abby just spent a large chunk of time trying to teach me how to link. Then I read political blogs and had to force myself to get up and answer the phone because it wouldn't stop ringing.

Oh wait, vices: smoking,
bc headache powder, fingernail files in every room because I can't stand to have uneven nails. (I think I may be confusing vices with compulsions.)I'm freaky about getting my ten glasses of water a day. I don't drink coffee, soda or tea, because I'm scared of osteoporosis (sp?). And then of course the blog. I keep trying to read a post and not respond to it, but that doesn't seem to be something I can manage.