Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It wants to be a single word

Keep praising Jack below. I just found a couple of links and haven't posted in quite some time. On the unapologetic, crazy ambition of the short story; and a story by Dago in last month's Harpers.


cdee said...

Yes, Keep praising Jack. And also, please do read Dago's story.

I won't make this a separate post because it tends to end the threads below it, but I need some help: Who is going to AWP this year in Chicago? If you will be there, who wants free drinks on Thursday (Feb 12th 7-9 p.m.) night? If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, I have a job for you--I need one more server for the FC2 reading. All you need to do is commit to coming, stand behind a table and hand people beers and pour wine, and get fucked up in the meantime. You would get to hang out with my husband, and a cool Phd student from the University of Utah. And make fun of me, as I'll be front and center mcing/introducing folks.

rebecca said...

Carmen, I'll do it! I'll get to keep an eye on Mark, too, as he tries to flirt with Susan Steinberg.
And I'll try to go to the links sometime when I'm not at work...

jack said...

I'm jealous. I want to bartend for the stars and watch Carmen MC the stars and "commit" to hanging out with Tom Williams the star.

cdee said...

Great Rebecca and thanks. I am already socially awkward concerning this event, and I'm trying to pass off the mcing responsibility to someone else. I'd rather be serving and drinking, but then of course, if I drink enough maybe this will work out peachy.