Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sarah said it best

Not that I've been spying or anything. Okay I've been spying. Describing our blog to her Pa, Sarah said, "My grad school friends and I posting about writing, teaching, publication news, and other MFA-related nonsense. Basically, we miss each other."

So true!

I miss reading fresh writing--early drafts and still warm from the printer--and I miss knowing without having to ask what everyone is reading, what is tugging at your attention. Now more than ever, I miss the things we just learned about eachother from being in close proximity--teaching styles, relationship styles, future plans--the things you pick up unconsiously.

And when my spying taught me that one of us is a baker by night and a writer by day. A really freakin talented cupcake maker from the looks of it (shout out to http://cuppincakesforyou.blogspot.com/). It made me want to know what other dreams you have for yourselves. What besides writers, teachers and tech-writers will we become? And what would we be if we weren't this?


Sarah said...


cdee said...

a nail tech in a posh salon.

Amelia said...

Corporate law

I try not to think about it

molfe said...

A voiceover artist in a foreign tongue.

cdee said...

a tisket a tasket
something about a basket?

jack said...


wabby said...

okay wow.
I think I'd be a beekeeper. And maybe I'd give out folk wisdom cures from my both at the farmer's market,