Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Good luck, Ms. Hall!

Reminder: The Austin Chronicle short story contest winners will be announced tonight at 7pm at BookPeople.

Here's a link to the weird back story

And one to the first place story

And here's Pringle's story


rebecca said...

Thanks for coming, Michael & Abby. The third place story, was, by far, my favorite, and I thought first place was mediocre to lame. What did you guys think?

rebecca said...

Yeah, the "faggot" "joke" was absurd and got way too many laughs.
I wanted the third place story to end with the woman swimming the English channel in the first scenario/iteration and skip the death/ second iteration.
Let's all drink wine and eat cookies at Bookpeople more often! Are you ever moving to Austin?

cdee said...

Oh my god this makes me miss you guys so much. (now pretend i've written something clever and scathing here about that first place story and contributed to the conversation.)

wabby said...

I just added some links to the stories. (Not to task you, Carmen--no pressure to read on anyone's part) But the first link, the one about the weird back story was interesting. And of course I was super proud of the bobcats--represent Pringle and Hall. I did not listen to the third story b/c the lady who came in third didn't bother to stick around to read her own story. Plus, I was antsy. So I wandered around book people half-listening. Pringle read well. I was super proud of her. The first story had some nice moments--to be sure. The gay slur thing was such a turn off--so careless and unnecessary and "hi, I'm an outsider so I can use hate speech b/c I am a man and I have a ponytail and a chain wallet so everyone knows I'm cool with the gays." I didn't want to like it. So I didn't. I could talk about some of the structural problems with it--but really I was just mad. It was easy to hate.

molfe said...

rebecca, i'm still waiting for that guest house. and i agree with abby, great showing for the bobkittens. let's make it a tradition.

Amelia said...

It already is, what with Stacy taking third last year. Woo!