Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Three links/ questions

What's the story of your life in six words?

What are your feelings on the semicolon ?

Okay this one isn't going to work as a question. It's just an essay I loved that I somehow missed when it came out this summer in the Book of the Times section. I guess if forced, I would say the real question is: what kind of support do you need right now?


wabby said...

I'm answering my own post. Here's my day in six words. I can't do my life. But my day goes like this:
Interview pending: must I wear heals?

rebecca said...

...I like the poetic Freudian typo slip.

jack said...

my life in six words:

my paper is late because my...

cdee said...

Shit-hole conferences; ready for cigarette.

Yeah, I don't know how to punctuate the above.

molfe said...

I should have written that novel.

Amelia said...

Too fast and not fast enough

Sarah said...

today it is:

write or die. part time job?