Monday, May 12, 2008

An article that made me lose sleep and start writing and the 08s that made me dance

First, the article:
I don't know what to say about this. It made me revisit my quirkiest story. It also made me feel like I have questionable taste. Like I'm not special or something.

And now commencement:
They didn't hood the MFA--or any of the masters candidates---this year. I guess it was a time saver. But it was sad so here's a pic of us looking sad.

Jack and I were there as adjuncts this year and so we took it upon ourselves to hood the Johns so that's what's going on in the second picture.

In other graduation news, Susan P. finished at UT. Robin, who is with child again (hooray!!!) graduated this semester. Katya did too. And also those other 08s we all know and love.

Yesterday the 08s held a prom at club de ville. My date was Michael. Maybe I will post a picture of us doing the wizard dance move when I can.


molfe said...

WIZARDRY! (The wizard dance is inspired by those dudes in the back of Dead and Phish shows who conjure up spells and cast them like thunderbolts toward the stage. If you've never seen them, I feel sorry for you. In high school they were my muses. No shit.)

rebecca said...

Skimming the article, I've come to the conclusion that I like quirk in movies, dislike it in literature. Maybe if I were a filmaker I'd learn to dislike it there, too. For now, Buster and G.O.B. and George Michael rock.

wabby said...

I like quirk in movies too. And in music, when I'm not sad, which is never because I'm packing up.

cdee said...

These pictures really make me want to dance. I wish I were wearing an 80's formal too, complete with hot pink arm ruffles.