Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dolly, Strutters, and a new pair of shoes

Hurricane Dolly is making our move a little difficult. We are safe and fine, but the rain is not our friend.

The Texas State Strutters won advancement to Las Vegas on a television show called "America's Got Talent" or something like that. I'm not sure of the exact name of the show.

I haven't bought new shoes in a long time, but it seemed I needed a third thing for the title of this post. What's the newest pair of shoes you guys have purchased? Or your favorite natural disaster?


rebecca said...

My latest shoes were clipless biking shoes (which, contrary to the title, means you actually clip into your pedals). They're turquoise.
We got some of your rain yesterday, Carmen, and more is expected today.

molfe said...

flip-flops and tornadoes! but i wish it were high heels and earthquakes, because that's a better title.

molfe said...

oh man, i forgot to give a shout out to my strutters! i'm so proud of them. i still have a strutters bumper sticker on my stereo and it's hot hot hot. didn't some of us go see them one time? for someone's birthday? wtf were we doing? i can't remember anything anymore.

Amelia said...

I bought some sequined china flats that technically also qualify as a natural disaster.

jack said...

I bought some sketchers for window washing, and they suck.

I want some big clunky brown things that make me 3 inches taller, though.

wabby said...

Chacos. Wore them all over Guatemala.

Poop on Dolly. Is everything okay?

When I wear my chacos I like to climb things and pretend that I'm spider man or a gecco. I would say they are sexy shoes, but I guess gecco and sexy doesn't really work. Maybe geeko?

wabby said...

I meant gecko. And spiderman.