Monday, November 10, 2008

If oxford researchers can

compile a list of the ten most irritating expressions

(1- At the end of the day

2 - Fairly unique

3 - I personally

4 - At this moment in time

5 - With all due respect

6 - Absolutely

7 - It's a nightmare

8 - Shouldn't of

9 - 24/7

10 - It's not rocket science)

then why can't we?
Well maybe b/c we aren't curmudgeons. But I'm seriously sick of the word "seriously". and I am all for bringing back some old classics like "talk to the hand."


Amelia said...

I've found that when my students start a sentence with "basically," it means they have no idea what they're talking about. The word has rubbed off on me which makes me hate it more.

I dig "with all due respect," though. It allows for some intense rudeness. I want to know the worst thing someone has ever said after "with all due respect." With all due respect, sir, you're a terrible man and your children are intensely ugly.

molfe said...

Thank you very kindly (a woman kept saying this on my shuttle bus this weekend, and she was obviously rich but wouldn't tip the driver for making a special trip for the two of us)

also, when spoken: "expecially" and "I can't for the life of me..."

re: Amelia's "Basically," - starting a sentence with "Honestly" or "In reality." I love what these imply about everything that comes before them.

Let's pretend...(let's not)

Lately I've been overly annoyed by those who overly "bless you" when someone is overly sneezing.

Amelia said...

My sister and I came up with a chart for the ladies who said "bless you" in church:

1st sneeze: "Bless you."
2nd sneeze: "Bless you!"
3rd sneeze: "Oh my."
4th sneeze: "Oh dear!"
5th sneeze: "Are you okay?"
6th sneeze: (silence)
7th sneeze: "Bless you."

..and the cycle continued. We did a lot of sneezing and gossiping in church, apparently.

cdee said...

How about this new saying:
"Talk to the degrees..."
and then imagine me pointing to those 3 framed documents on my office wall and a secretary wearing a gladiola-printed shirt turning away from me, feeling sheepish.

Operative word--imagine. I didn't really do this, but hey, a girl's gotta dream.

Who wants to start an advertising campaign with me that prints and passes out fliers concerning the gloriousness of the MFA degree?

cdee said...

Somebody talk me down from this ledge or back me up or whatever one is supposed to say here--
An mfa is more than beauty school, right?

We signed up for more than glitter make-up and learning about home permanents.
At the end of the day, we're all in the same boat.
Basically, I'm mad a lot.
Seriously, I might need anger-management therapy.
With all due respect, no, those gladiolas were not a good idea.
Just talk to the degrees.

cdee said...

I love it! I love the idea of your shop with limited choices. This is the kind of commercialism there should be more of.

cdee said...

commercialism? Is that it, or is it capitalism i'm talking about? oh hell, i don't know...

rebecca said...

Hey, Jack, can we combine your beauty shop with my beauty shop called "Shut Up"? (You're on the same wavelength with the pointing). It will be right next to my coffee shop called "Hush."