Friday, November 14, 2008


For those of you who don't know, Mark and I quit our jobs and are taking a year to focus on writing (we call it the Barrggenheim). We've also applied to several artists residencies, and we were both just accepted to Jentel in Wyoming. We're very excited to write on the ranch!


molfe said...

OH! this is such great news. It's too early for a horse joke, and too late for a brokeback joke, but you all are gonna git 'er dun out there.

When do you leave? Who's watching your place?

jack said...


I want to hear all about it - I'm so curious about what happens at these things. Besides the writing.

Sarah said...

Congrats to the both of you!

rebecca said...

I'll actually be there mid-March to mid-April, Mark mid-April to mid-May, but right now the plan is for us to both head to WY for the whole two months, and just find somewhere to stay, blah, blah, blah. We've taken on a housemate, and he'll be moving in the beginning of December. Why, do you need a place, molfe?

wabby said...

Wow! I'm so excited for you! Congrats!

cdee said...

Damn I am jealous. Since I've read this, I'm itching to quit my job.

Congratulations to you both1

Amelia said...

Life on the ranch! I love it.