Sunday, June 28, 2009


This is a terrible idea that I've wanted to ask about for a long time. What journal(s) do you want to place on a blacklist? With or without reason. Where shouldn't we send?

Currently mine is The Baltimore Review, because I followed up twice with no response and have waited 10+ months. Not even a form rejection. And they have online submissions. And other people get responses in, like, two months. I'm just saying, tell me it's lost. Tell me it's not worth that digital postage.



cdee said...

Puerto del Sol and for the exact same reasons. Though I should say, that the other folks I know who have submitted there have received a response or at least an answer to their query.

rebecca said...

Alright, I know Sarah was published here, but mine is Iron Horse. I will never send to them again, because they sent me THE most obnoxious, patronizing, (and long) form rejection letter that outlined, basically, what a "GOOD" story SHOULD do, therefore implying that my story was not good and that it was not good because it didn't follow their unimaginative lame-ass rules.
This post is the best idea you ever had, Molfe.

wabby said...

I will probably get blacklisted for saying this but my beef is with Quarterly West. They published me, sure. But I had to beg (literally) for contributors coppies/ some kind of evidence/aknowlegement that the story had come out. This while I was going through my first annual review and needed an updated vita. I kept querying. Nothing. I finally used my school e-mail and they wrote back.

They would tell me it was in the mail. I would wait a month and write them and ask about it. They would tell me it was in the mail. This lasted months...

Nine months after it was published I got a copy.


jack said...

Rebecca, I got a similar rejection letter from I.H.

Sarah said...

Meridian for sending me rejections that pretty much read like -- you must dreaming, kid. Get outta here.

Although, I keep sending to them. *sigh*

rebecca said...

Did it offend you, too, Jack? I mean, I know it's their standard spiel, but it just seemed so obnoxious!