Monday, June 15, 2009

My # 1

My vote for Number One Most Annoying Video of all Times is:
Beyonce's Halo. It even starts badly, Beyonce gazing into the camera soulfully showing the kind of sincerity for which people should get beat up.

A Nickleback video ran a close second though.

Have videos honestly reached a new level of predicitability? Or were they just a new experience when I was 13 and predictable then too?

So what video most bothers you? (Or who else can't sleep and likes to fuck around on the internet because what else can you do at this hour?)


Amelia said...

Oh man, every other Beyoncé video ever made makes up for Halo. Have you seen the one for Kitty Kat? So weird.

Sarah and I were watching this one last week and decided it was pretty much the worst.

jack said...

Agreed. I just watched single ladies (put a ring on it) again, and I have to say that oh my god. oh my god.

oh my god.

molfe said...

i just lol'd for ten minutes in a coffee shop. thinking about you all watching these videos is funnier than the videos themselves.

kitty kat is seriously f'ed.

now i can bow out of pop culture for another few years.

cdee said...

I cannot wait to get to work tomorrow, so I can view this video. I have a feeling it may usurp Beyonce.

cdee said...

Yeah, that video is so strange. And this lyric "do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips," is, well, strange too.