Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cupey Cake

This is a picture of a piece of paper I found in a hotel tablet that I stole from the Days Inn. It was a Days Inn Amelia and I stayed at when we went to Carmen's wedding. I've had the tablet forever, but never got to the middle where I found this treasure.


molfe said...


Amelia said...

you're my cupey-cake, molfey-olfey-olfey

cdee said...

my cream-pie motivator, puppy-uppy luppy licker, my madri gras beady, seedy, lover

and something about rainbows

jack said...

I haven't seen the movie "Heathers" in a long time.

rebecca said...

Who's forthcoming in Cream City? I've heard about the others, but wanted to give congrats to the mystery star!!!
ps...nice note.

Amelia said...

I've got a found poem in ccr's latest. Hip hip!

It's really storming outside. Green sky and everything.