Friday, August 15, 2008


I took four classes at UNM for the fall, so I'll be sticking around ABQ a few more months. The campus is flat, so is the architecture, and I will teach in a building near a pretty duck pond. Part of my required orientation next week is to learn how to use the copy machine. There is also an ice breaker. I hate ice breakers. In my experience ice has never broken; it melts. And ice breakers harden my heart.

Other, more interesting news:

Rebecca's story is now up on Agni's site. It's good and makes me jealous. Although it inspired me to submit again yesterday to three new places.

Happy birthday to Jack and Amelia. I think they both have birthdays this weekend.

You can now pre-order Cool Thing, the anthology that promises to make me gay famous.

The other day I read about a German priest who has people lie in open graves as a form of therapy. (I'm not sure if that's the correct use of lie, but I like it.)


wabby said...

Happy Birthday!

According to my internal calendar, today is Jack's birthday. And Amelia's is the 17th, which makes it Sunday.

I'm in my office at Gardner Webb, surrounded by KAP house posters. There is so much to tell you all about this. But I'll save that for another post. For now I'm going to light a candle and sing the birthday song for JAck

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday, Jack!
And soon a Happy Birthday to Amelia!

Wolfe, congrats on the new job. I miss miss miss you! How close are you from Vegas? I'm thinking I might have to come see you the next time I'm in Vegas visiting my sister.

Classes for me start on the 26th. I am going camping in Tahoe next week. Right now, I am currently, gasp, writing!

rebecca said...

Hey, Happy Birthdays all around. And congratulations on the job, Molfe, though I'm sad you won't be back in Austin as our housemate/housesitter/dance party pal. Thanks for reading my story.
And an office, Abby. I have a picture in my head, and it makes me nostalgic for academia.

Amelia said...

Oh my goodness thank you. And beautiful story, R. I remember it from last time but the sentences are so nicely done, I am reading them out loud.

For my birthday, I bought a lipstick. I have a strong urge to go out dancing while wrapped in a sheet.

cdee said...

what color of a sheet?

Happy Birthday you two.

I'm ass editor for FC2, (purposely abbreviated for extra hilarity) and for the most, I'm happy because I did miss this. I can break balls with the best of 'em. But goddamn, what I miss the most is this: people's work I believe in and am happy to take a pen to and don't resent for a minute that it showed up on my desk and the excitement I feel because I have an inkling of how good it can be and where it might end up--that's you guys I'm talking about Jack, Bearden, Sarah, Rebecca, Michael, Amelia, Abby.

Call to arms.

Write it up, because I'm keeping up with you all.

I feel like crying. It is important what we do, our stories and novels to come and the ones that have already happened.

jack said...

Thanks! It's my birthday and I have a job and a paycheck and I got to sleep late and have lunch with a friend and get some work done and then eat at a restaurant we cannot afford but have a gift certificate to. It's been a good birthday. I'm still a little buzzed. The dogs have been fed, and I should go to sleep.

I just miss being part of you guys. I'm not part of anything these days.

Currently, I'm writing the meanest story I've ever written. I work on it, feel like a genius, then put it away and feel bad for two days. I've gotten rejections from caketrain, many mountains moving, north american review, and many others this week. They must be trying to move out the old and bring in the new.

I feel happy for all of us, with publications birthdays and jobs and real offices and gay famous futures.

Amelia said...

A cream colored sheet, like the sail the little mermaid wrapped around herself when she realized she had legs.

beards said...

congrats and happy bdays all around. i have no good news. i can report that dennis leary was outside my house this morning as they were filming an episode of rescue me. i thought about taking a picture with my cellphone but felt dumb. other weird sightings over the last week-malcolm gladwell at a coffee shop in my hood; tim robbins and susan s. close to me at a wilco show ( i think t. passed out after a hit off a j) besides that school prep has begun.