Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ronald Sukenick ABR Innovative Fiction Prize

Heads up folks, if you're interested:
Now announcing that the Ronald Sukenick American Book Review Innovative Fiction Prize is about to commence.

Applications open on August 15th and run through November 1st.

Application Fee $25
Prize $1,000 and publication by FC2
Manuscripts need to be bound with a spring clip or rubber band, no stapples or binding please.

For more of the necessary info go to www.fc2.org

I should also reassure everyone too--I'm not asking you to submit to this contest, because I'm going to pick my friends as the winners and runner-ups. I have nothing to do with this FC2 contest besides receiving the manuscripts and then mailing them to people in Utah. So this is totally legit.

We still haven't got the website completely updated with the recent move of FC2 from Florida to Victoria, TX so if you notice that, don't become alarmed. Contest rules and info are correct as well as the address to which you send the manuscript.


Amelia said...

Cool, thanks for the heads up.

jack said...

I'm not going to submit unless you guarantee you will pick your friends as winners.