Thursday, January 1, 2009

B & N

Hope you all had fun on holiday.

Barnes and Noble is now having their after holiday sale-- 50% off and more-- on certain selections. I looked through the first 50 or 60 pages, and while most of it is fluff, there is also Zadie Smith's On Beauty, an Alice McDermott novel I'd been after, one by Julian Barnes, and some other literary lovelies for $4 or $5.

For those of you who also enjoy supporting businesses that make monetary donations to Democrats, is also a good place.

1 comment:

molfe said...

cdee- i found that ishmael beah book on holiday sale at borders - buy one, get one half off rack. also, did you all know teachers get a 20% discount at borders? apparently it's only for k-12, but the cashier ringing me up didn't seem to care.