Monday, November 26, 2007

Countdown and a link

Number of days till one of our own (one lovely Ms. Gray) reads at the KAP House: 5

So that means that you've got five days to conjure up some good vibes--from NY to Cali and back down to Arkansas and Austin.

And here's a link:Some worry that the increasingly cozy relationship between Hollywood and publishing companies is changing expectations of literary success — and may even be changing the way novelists approach their work.


Amelia said...

Interesting essay. Makes me look at my bookshelf and wonder if there's a novel that would be impossible to make into a good movie. Certainly bad movies have been made from good books, but with the right writer/director team, the right kind of innovation, can't it all be done?

The best adapted movies, in my opinion, are often the ones that start as very complicated books. I'd think that writing a book with a movie in mind could lead to a lot of oversimplification in terms of plot and character and timeline. That's the trap I'd fall into, anyway, as I'm not a very good screenwriter.

Loving that image of Palahniuk ogling nude scenes. And thanks for the well-wishes. I need to find myself in San Marcos pretty soon.

molfe said...

KAP is in for a real treat!