Friday, November 30, 2007

Johnny Paycheck

Remember that Johnny Paycheck song "Take This Job and Shove It," well, sorry Johnny, but I'm taking a job.

Today, after a rigorous interview process, the provost at The King's College offered me a job! I'm speaking of the full-time variety. I feel more than fortunate. I feel lucky. The position doesn't start until next Fall. But it's great knowing it will be there.

In other news: Next week Laura and I will have our second home study interviews for the adoption. At the beginning of February our social worker will come to our house for the final interview. So things are moving fast. But will slow down after March, when we expect to start the wait for our match.

Hope everyone is well. Would be fun to go to the alum reading. Throw back Shiner on the porch for me.


wabby said...

Rock on!

molfe said...


Hi, I'm BC, and I work in the Empire State Building.

wabby said...

I forgot to say something--I was so excited in my first reply that I forgot to say that they are the lucky ones, not you. It speaks volumes that they recognized you for the kick ass teacher you are.

cdee said...

(shit abby, how can I follow your awesome reply?)

So I'll just go with the lame, "I second what she said!"

It really is good to hear the job market still exists. It's even better to know that one of us is getting our due.

Amelia said...

That's fantastic, B. Thirding.

Sarah said...


jack said...
