Monday, November 26, 2007

Things that today I am loving

1. "In art, as in love, as in dancing the hora, if you don’t know the moves, you really can’t fake them."

2. Painting my fingernails, finding tiny imperfections, removing the paint, painting my fingernails, finding tiny imperfections, removing the paint

3. The new Caketrain, which arrived today and looks beautiful.

4. Bologna and cheese sandwiches. I have had three today.

5. Fighting this book. Potentially to the death.


wabby said...

Fun fun fun!
I have been wanting to read that book. I can't flipping wait to see you.

Sarah said...

Levy's book kicks ass. I read it in like two days. Very insightful. I feel like teaching it to my students. All those college girls who think they're feminists because they claim they "want to get theres too!" in bed. When, in reality, they just want a male, any male, to pay attention to them and being aggressive (i.e feminist!) is the way to get that done.

I think, as a past bad girl myself, this book was a welcomed treat.

Amelia said...

You know, I bet it would be a good one to teach, but I'm just not with her for most of it. She offers up humiliation porn as an example of our skewed sexuality when really that's just a fringe idea, and then she suggests that straight women who go to strip clubs just want to fit in with the guys, as if sexuality is black and white.

And then this line: "Because we have determined that all empowered women must be overtly and publicly sexual, and because the only sign of sexuality we seem to be able to recognize is a direct allusion to red-light entertainment, we have laced the sleazy energy and aesthetic of a topless club or a Penthouse shoot throughout our entire culture." What?

Her best point is that terms like "empowered" have turned into empty buzzwords that women often use as a shortcut towards this weird fake sexuality.

I could go all day with this one. She tries to tie sex-positive feminism with CAKE parties, for Christ's sake.

cdee said...

I can't wait to read this book.

Just saw No cOuntry, and wowzer, it is awesome. Hey Jack, did you know some of it was filmed in Marfa? I can't see or hear about Marfa without thinking of you.

Amelia, have you read the most recent Land Grant College Review? "The Lucky Ones Get to be People" byRachel Haley Himmelheber is a real treat. "...acid is eating my thumb." It seems like you actually wrote this line and not her. But also we've had some conversating about Land Grant; maybe that's another reason I'm thinking of you.

Everyone, I miss you.

wabby said...

That's so weird. I know Rachel Haley Himmelheber. Not well, but she went to Warren Wilson. She was in my print making class. Then she went to NMSU.

Amelia said...

I'll have to check that out. I'm long overdue to go to the Book People.
