Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The 5 Things Show Comes to Austin

I mentioned a few posts back that I'm thinking of starting a reading series, and now things are starting to actually happen. I found a great venue in the form of the fabulous do512 offices on South Lamar. I've got the date: second Friday of every month, starting September 12.

And now, I have the concept: I buy/find 5 things fitting in a theme and distribute them to five funny people. Fiction writers, poets, standup comedians, improv types, musicians--a good mix for each show. Their goal, in turn, is to create a funny, short (5 minute-ish) piece inspired by their object, which they bring to share. Part show-and-tell, part art. One dollar admission buys the band their beer.

The goal is to have a fun show that brings fun artists together. Because I miss having writers around, and I miss you guys. If you're in town, I hope you can read for me. I have a few spots left for the first show...


molfe said...

Great work, Amelia. Will you please YouTube the shows?

beards said...

This sounds mighty fine. One of these days I'll make it.

Amelia said...

M: That's a great idea! I have a connection with the UT film dept, maybe I can make this happen.

B: I hope you can make it out to read for me sometime. At the risk of sentimentality, I hope everyone can.

Sarah said...

I will def make it, be in, one of these.

jack said...

I would love to be part of it - and even if I'm not (part of every single one, I mean), I'll definitely be there for support.

What a thing! It'll be a lot of fun.