Monday, March 9, 2009


This morning the music of birds was loud and proud in a way it hasn't been for a while. Loud enough for me to notice. This past Friday, two doves sat on the window ledge of my husband's office and made, what looked like, awkward humping motions towards one another. I think it's spring. Nothing everyone doesn't know already, but we needed a new post, and I'm feeling a sense of renewed energy. How are the rest of you feeling? Done any spring cleaning? Any spring binges of any kind?


wabby said...

Hooray for a new post!!!! And hooray for spring!!!! I'm packing up a box of books to sell to the local used book store right now. There's daffodils outside my window...

As soon as the weather got warm, two things happened, I started wanted to listen to reggae and ride around with the windows down and I missed, even more than usual the river. It is official, San Marcos still has a really tight hold on me.

rebecca said...

We take care of a pair of very sweet stray cats, Karl and Senor Badass. Much to our surprise, Senor Badass is in heat. She has been making quite a racket under our house while all of the neutered cats (Karl, Loki, and Simon), look on in confusion. Poor Senor.
Other than that, we leave Thursday morning for Wyoming. We shall see how "spring" treats us there. It's been lovely in Austin, but we our very excited for the Jentel adventure.

molfe said...

I sit in a windowless office all day grading papers. Sometimes I smoke outside until the sun burns my eyes. My students tell me we never really had Winter this year, so the only noticeable difference is that this is their windy season. It's pretty miserable, really. So bad the dust cloaks any mountain view, and last week I had to walk my bike home with my head turned sideways and awkwardly sniffing my armpit because so much dirt was getting into my mouth and eyes.

I miss me some river.

Have a great adventure in Wyoming, Rebecca!

cdee said...

Michael, I think you're in a Beckett novel.

Rebecca, have fun and post about it!

jack said...

Spring makes me nervous. In that old-fashioned hysterical way. I don't know why.

We didn't have winter here, either, just more drought.

All our grass died this year, so I'm conducting a Frankenstein experiment on parts of the yard. Rye, Bermuda, St. Augustine, and weeds! Pretty soon it will be ALIVE!