Monday, March 30, 2009

Missing you.

Hey, I'm missing the heck out of you guys this morning. What's the weather like over there? How's work, school, interviews, writing, house-hunting? Abby, did you see the lights?


Sarah said...


I spent the morning adding books-to-read in my Goodreads queue while my students were taking a midterm essay exam.

I went to my sister's house near Berkeley last weekend and we took my nieces (now 15 and 13 yrs old, so, you know, they totally rock) to Point Reyes in the North Bay. We hiked for about three miles and then my sister got scared the sun was going to go down before we finished and made us all turn around. The best thing is when I overheard my niece say to her mom-my sister, "Well, you know like Aunt Sashie says, she is just really insecure." There is something about hearing your niece recite something you've said as if it is THE WORD OF GOD to someone else. It made my cold heart break. By the way, I am Aunt Sashie. And the "she" in question is now my niece's ex-best friend. Girl drama.

James and I were going to move but then the economy screwed us.

Writing is good. I'm knee deep in a few stories, and I get to them about every other day. It's nice to be back in a rhythm. My collection is being trimmed and awesome-ified.

You know what's weird? I'm back in California now, see my old friends, go to my old haunts. It's kinda like it was five years ago, before I moved to Austin. Only something is different, something is just not the same with me.

And I think it's because of you guys. So I miss, too.

wabby said...

I didn't see the lights.

I miss you guys too. I check the blog every day and try to think of things to write. I think your post was brilliant. B/c most days, that's how I feel.

This morning it was cold and foggy and I had students up in arms about the idea that God is genderless. We were talking about the word fireman vs. firefighter and they freaked out on me. They kept saying "but that's how it has always been." I feel like that is the theme of my first year away from Texas.

I am not writing. I can't seem to find my groove. My space is all messed up. my brain and my home and my heart are all sort of piled high with projects. I can't find the part of me that is quiet enough to write. Have you had phases where you just make lists or the stuff you write doesn't connect. Like you write something and then you return to it and you can't get back to the place where you were? That's where I am. Utterly lost when it comes to writing. It isn't a time thing. I make time. I just don't feel at peace right now.

But there are good things too. I'm getting bees this weekend. Something to scratch off the lifetime wish list.

Yep. I miss you people too!

cdee said...

Fun! Bees! I miss everyone too. A big Mexican Martini from The Pubb would do wonders!

Lately, I'm saddled with increasingly nasty emails from the lady who lost the job that I now occupy. I almost posted an exchange last week because they are funny and ridiculous, but long and borish for those not envolved. But I have enjoyed that I actually got to write this sentence,
"Save your lectures for your kids."
It made me have more self-respect since I finally bucked up and drew some boundaries with her.

I've written a few shorts and sent them out, and written a few others that are about my period--these are really, really far from being submission ready, but they do make me laugh. I think I'll write about puppies and kittens next. (joke)

Tom and I are in the midst of house shopping. It is what it is. Fun, exhausting, terrible, voyueristic, nice, etc. How I feel about it changes everyday.

But mostly I just miss you guys. Having a group of writers around was just too much fun. Have y'all noticed how other people don't say clever things nearly as often?

molfe said...

I miss you probably all daily. Yes, daily.

Three times a week I ride my bike to work at 6:30 am to teach 7, 8 and 11 am classes (last week I was pulled over? by a cop because I didn't have a headlight on my bike). There were times this winter when I rode with no coat, no stocking cap, scarf, layers - it's like Hill Country that way with the abrupt and drastic fluctuation any given day - but this week I've had to layer up, and Monday was so cold and windy that I wore my pajama pants under my work clothes and changed in my office before class.

Most days I feel like running away, doing anything else.

Non-profit, anyone?

Sarah said...

I think we should all create/manage/participate in our own co-op.

For a living. You know, besides the writing.

Sarah said...

By the way, Abs.. I know exactly what you mean about that writing phase.

It is just a phase, though. You are a writer, girl. Sorry, you'll never get away.