Sunday, July 22, 2007

i am henry sugar

carmen is right about kevin brockmeier. i finished the brief history of the dead before i even opened it. because it is so good. i liked the truth about celia, but i devoured the brief history of the dead, and it was like being near a good friend who didn't say anything wrong, ever, or tell me that i'm over reacting, or try to open-mouth kiss me.

which hasn't happened in a long time, but still.

this is the best book i've read in a long, long time.


cdee said...

omg, I'm so glad you liked it. I was most rapt when reading about the dead or afterlife. When I was reading that book, suddenly alive people seemed like the most ridiculous thing.

molfe said...

whoa! i loathed that book. i didn't make it past p. 100.

wabby said...

I gave it to Susan and she read it on in two days. Flew through it. Then she lent it to all her friends and I still haven't gotten to read it. Maybe I can borrow it????

bearden said...

I agree with wolfe-- the language just didn't work for me.

jack said...

you can borrow it when i get back. i have it. you can borrow it.

also, if you want, edna o'brien's "in the forest." that's a fucked up book.