Monday, December 10, 2007

Possible Lesson Plan or Class Discussion

This is the last week of classes here at CSU-MB. I haven't met with my students in the classroom in over a week because we were having individual conferences. I needed a writing activity to get them focused back on writing and our assignment this week, final portfolios. They have been asked to think about their growth these last few months, so when I came across this article about the "dumb-ification" of today's youth, the two kinda fit together.

I handed the article out and they responded to it. It was just explosive. A very good way to get the class to reflect on their past experiences, including my class.

It was surprising how many of them blamed themselves for this "laziness" problem and not their parents, teachers, schools. etc.

Just thought I would share. Sue would be so proud.

Love you guys.


cdee said...

this is such a great find. thanks so much for linking this. Come next semester, this will be the first homework reading I assign, and our first class discussion.

jack said...

I might try this, too. I like the tone, and want to see if they get hung up on

"very soon, and if you think the hordes of easily terrified, mindless fundamentalist evangelical Christian lemmings have been bad for the soul of this country, just wait."

and ignore the rest. you remember texas state.

i do love how the author implicates class stratification as a contributing factor to not only opportunity, but to subsequent success.

thanks for sharing this.