Wednesday, December 5, 2007

R.I.P. Lady I've Never Heard of

Elizabeth Hardwick, co-founder of the NYT Review of Books, died. It's a good obit.


Amelia said...

I hope someone says "R.I.P. Lady I've Never Heard of" for my untimely (or timely) demise.

I'm listening to my neighbor across the street play a single bongo drum. He is waiting for his woman to arrive. She drives a blue Kia and brings her work outfit for the next day on a hanger. She usually arrives just after dark so, any minute now. Ain't love grand.

molfe said...

Is that the neighbor with a futon on the awkward inlay porch? The one I stare at while I smoke next to your truck? Do they sleep there?

What struck me about the obit was the ending:

Hardwick hadn't given him permission and she felt betrayed, friends later said. She and Lowell were reconciled in 1977, which turned out to be the last year of his life. He was on his way to visit her in her New York City apartment when he died of heart failure in a taxicab. He was 60.

Finally, a response to "The Demon Lover."