Friday, May 18, 2007

More Belly Laughs Than Saunders

So, if you're like me and are depressed--anxiety ridden--about the immediate future, you may need to laugh. It makes me feel better. Lately I've been finding such amusement in Jack Pendarvis. The book I have is called The Mysterious Secret Of The Valuable Treasure. Also, check out his novel excerpt in the current issue of American Short Fiction. It's from his forthcoming novel Awesome--the title alone is, well, awesome. He's a regular contrib to Oxford American, McSweeneys, Believer--all of those fancy pants journals/mags. I first heard of him from Tom Franklin in that interview he did in Front Porch.


molfe said...

I saw the new ASF at BookPeople yesterday and it's hot (but not as hot as joshmag). I was very happy to see Brian Leary's, editor of the great 42opus, first published story. Speaking of, 42opus is looking for fiction.

wabby said...

Hooray for laughter in a time of transition. It's like sunshine in rain.....
Thanks Bearden, I'm adding this guy to my list!