Wednesday, October 31, 2007

For the record, I liked George Elliot's Middlemarch

It's fall fiction week at Slate. Today's dispatch is all about contemporary writers spilling the beans about what great classics they haven't read. I know we did a post like this before, but it was interesting to see what other writers (like ourselves) keep meaning to make the time for.


jack said...

Margaret Atwood can't come up with anything embarrassing?


cdee said...

I have never finished reading Anna Karenina. I keep trying. This is the really awful part--I always make it through the first 50 pages, not because I respect it, but because it makes me laugh so much.

wabby said...

I haven't ever tried Moby Dick.

I've never read the Illiad. I don't really remember much of the Odyssey.

I haven't ever finished Madam Bovary.

I'm rusty on old shakespeare.

I've read faulkner, but not as I lay dying.

I've got to get cracking!