Friday, October 19, 2007

This beautiful land

I'm in Tucson this week. I can't get cell phone reception where my parents live, and they're on dial-up, so I'm spending the morning at this coffee shop. My reliance on a high-speed Internet connection seems to have snuck up on me.

This town is intensely beautiful. It's perfect October weather here during the day, and the desert gets cold at night. There are mountain lions and javelinas and hawks. I think it's because I've not spent much of my adult life here that Tucson remains kind of a fantasy land to me.

There's this McDonald's across the street from the coffee shop. I keep staring at it. It's the most beautiful McDonald's I have ever seen. I wonder if their hash browns are delicious. I bet they are.

My story "Diary of the Blockage" will appear in the upcoming Caketrain.

I miss you guys.


jack said...

i drove by your house today! it's still there.

congratulations on the publication! i like caketrain.

rebecca said...

I'm going to visit the kitties as soon as I get away from work!

wabby said...

Rock on Caketrain! High fives all around for that.

cdee said...

What a wonderful post--congratulations on the pub, (!) and Tucson sounds beautiful.

About this javelina...have you touched one?

Amelia said...

Thanks, guys.

I've seen and heard javelina but I've never touched one. They trot around in packs at night. The last time I saw one, I picked up the dog and ran back to the house.

Someone in the neighborhood was apparently being stalked by a mountain lion last week. Tucson.