Monday, October 29, 2007

my non-fiction book interest

There is No Me Without You

Been reading this book about the orphan problem in Ethiopia. By some estimates, there are up to 6 million orphans in Ethiopia. The book is a fascinating history of a country ripped apart by war, famine, and the AIDS pandemic. I'm finding the section on the origin theories of AIDS interesting. You can't help but be outraged with how the moral majority reacted to the crisis in the 80s & 90s. This book came out in 2006 and made a lot of best of lists. Greene has written for the New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Salon. et al. Good journalistic book.

Why am I into this? Well, Laura and I have started the paper work for international adoption and Ethiopia is the country we've chosen. It's going to be a long process, but we've started. I predict it will be at the speediest a year, more likely a year and a half, before we have a child in our home. But we are pumped!


rebecca said...

Wow, that sounds really cool on so many levels. Congratulations on starting the process.

jack said...

congratulations! i can't think of better parents.

and i'm telling you, one of the best parts is shoving books into their little hands.

Amelia said...

Neat, congratulations! Keep us posted.

wabby said...

Hooray. I would burst into a few rounds of "for they are jolly good fellas" if you were here to hear. I'm so excited for you and proud to know you so I can peak in on you through this process.

I remember seing the Sebastio Selgado photo exhibit in Ireland with you and being so moved, and you, Bearden, talking about adoption, as in: "one day we're going to do that." Wow! that seems like yesterday. Now you're pregnant in a way.

Sending you hugs!!!!!

cdee said...

Congratulations. I'm just a repeater here, but that doesn't mean my words are less herartfelt: you guys are going to be great parents!

cdee said...

Congratulations. I'm just a repeater here, but that doesn't mean my words are less herartfelt: you guys are going to be great parents!

Sarah said...

That is so amazing. And inspirational as well. Children are truly a blessing. Congratulations!

molfe said...

You know how proud and excited I am for y'all. Cheers!