Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Honeymoons Over

So today was my grand re-entry into the writing world. After taking a good long month (and a half) off from writing, today I sat down to let the magic happen.

In a phrase: It didnt.

I wrote a horrible three paragraphs (in two hours) about a girl in rehab who must rat out a friend to the police. It was REALLY BAD. I scrapped the whole thing except for this line:

"We hang out in bars."

So day one of being a writer post-MFA has gone pretty much as bad as it can go. But tomorrows a new day. Ill let you know how it goes.

I have some pics from graduation I want to post on the site, does anyone know how to do that?

Love all you guys.

1 comment:

wabby said...

when you click on new post at the top there's this bar of icons for options that you can click on like "bullets," or "text" and one of them is a picture. It is a picture of a mountain or something and you click on that to add an image and then it prompts you. It is a lot like adding an attachment to an email document. It asks you if you want it to shrink to fit and you do. If you have trouble, as I did, try using a different browser, (Firefox works best on my computer). Does that make sense?