Wednesday, June 6, 2007


New Pages often reviews lit mags, which I think is one of the greatest services they offer. Last month, they reviewed Backwards City Review saying: "Just a few highlights of this issue, in brief:...Rebecca Hall's “Ise,” the story of a Japanese-American man who finds a moment of compassion for his hard survivor of a mother..."

Here's the link. Scroll down to find the Backwards City Review.


wabby said...

Hooray! That totally made my day.

Sarah said...

Congrats to RH!

cdee said...

Dammit Sarah. How do you keep responding to these before me? You're a tough act to follow.

But yes, RH. That's wonderful!

rebecca said...

Oh, hey guys, I haven't visited the blog in a while. I actually found that a few weeks ago, too. It was fun to see what someone thought my story was "about," and that it was actually "about" something!

rebecca said...

Oh, and since Abby says we should announce things, this story also made top 25 in Glimmer Train's Very Short Fiction Award (I tried to withdraw it after it was accepted by BCR, but it fell through the cracks...oh darn):

Amelia said...

Holy crow! Fine work.