Monday, June 11, 2007

The Work

Justin and I successfully moved Rebecca's massive credenza into my new place. The furniture-moving spirits smiled on us, and we didn't even run into the walls in the stairwell. I'm writing this from my desk, which faces a window with no screen in it. I was going to tell the landlord, but I like the view better without the screen, and now I have an easy exit if this writing thing doesn't pan out.

My project continues. There are good days and bad -- here's one of the bad, 6/8 AM:
Hey baby, you give me hives. You're lucky, because I happen to think it's an essential function of any relationship that one party be covered in hives at all times. Even in business relationships, and even secret hives. You know what I'm talking about.
I love 6/8 AM like an ugly child.

I have errands to run today, but if anyone wants to come over after work for some pie, I should be around.


molfe said...

On Friday, I applied to be a janitor. The man who could've hired me said "You have a Master's degree," and I said "Yes," and then we looked at each other for a long while in silence.

rebecca said...

Glad you made it up the stairs. Thanks for the beers!
molfe: I filled out the online application for a Whole Foods cashier position yesterday and had to put my second Master's degree under "tech schools" and eventually got kicked out of "employment experience" before I even got to the relevant, table-waiting, cake-decorating stuff. We're doomed.