Tuesday, June 19, 2007

it's impolite to read on a lunchdate

All right. I'm currently washing windows. I'm not hating it, but what I am hating is the all-too-familiar internal cringe when someone asks, innocently enough, what I do. I feel like it's classist to be ashamed of doing what I do, and besides, I love the company, what it stands for, and the people who employ me. And I hate qualifying what I'm currently doing with "I just graduated, and I'm looking for a job," even though it's true, and probably smart to say so to EVERYBODY, since according to Barbara Ehrenreich in "Bait and Switch," nobody gives a shit about your paper resume (don't, by the way, pick up that book right now. Wait until you are gainfully employed in a career you love).

So, my problem is that while I don't want to necessarily wash windows forever, I'm loathe to enter into the job search market. And suddenly, I have a friend who is emailing me tips like "don't take a summer vacation from your job search! It takes three to six months to move into a management position!" and offering books on networking called: "Never Eat Alone."


I feel like it's important to maybe go to a lunch with an academic adivsor since I'll be applying for some academic advising jobs come August. I think that's wise. I think I can handle a lunch with someone who might be able to help me. But it really throws the fear of god into me to think that I might need to buy a suit and start attending power lunches.

I'm just saying.

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